
Developer Jobs



Webdeveloper job Amsterdam - want to collect all the FWA awards? (2500 - 3500€)

Salary €2500 - 3500€
Location Amsterdam

web developer Developer Job, web developer Vacature, web developer Developer

This is the place to be. Join a young and inspiring company. Vibrant, creative and open-minded work atmosphere with a multi-talented team. If you love digital and development then you should read further.


What you will be doing:

Create all sorts web products – responsive websites, interactive web apps, banners

Work for an awesome client list – Spotify, magnum, coca cola

Join a multidisciplinary team of social media lovers, creative, kick-ass developers


On the technical side we would like to see a good basis of Javascript with different animation tools, such as Greensock, Tweenmax 

If you are familiar with OOP then you should definitely get in touch

Work For The Biggest Companies In Amsterdam

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