

  • The first time I contacted Luke I was living in Spain and willing to live in Amsterdam. After several chats, he got an interview for me, I arrived in the Netherlands just with that interview and just after arriving he got another two. This is just an example of what Luke's attitude can make anywhere he is. His proactive and optimistic attitude is transmitted to the rest of the people working with him, focusing on his goals and involving everyone on them. I would completely recommend this guy

    D L -

  • Luke is an excellent recruiter, he knows an takes in account what is important for clients and the people herecruits. He is proactive and shows great interest for people. Luke is the right person to get a new job or to get good people to work for you.

    R J -

  • Luke is professional and dedicated to his work. He acts very quickly and has deep insight into Dutch IT labor market. I enjoyed cooperating with him a lot.

    P P -

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