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Junior Frontend Developer Vacature Amsterdam – Je houdt van rich media, animation en motion


Junior Frontend Developer Vacature, Front-end Developer Job, html5, css3, jQuery, digital, canvas, boilerplate, WebGL, EaselJS, animation, motion, Greensock, interactive platform, responsive web design, API, Facebook app, twitter bootstrap, web development


Wil jij jaarlijks op ski-vakantie met het hele team - op kosten van de zaak?

Wil jij getraind worden, je ontwikkelen en technisch uitgedaagd worden met indrukwekkende digitale projecten voor Nike, Coca-Cola of Red-Bull?


Neem dan snel contact met ons op!


Wie zijn wij?

  • Digital agency dat gaaf spul ontwikkelt zoals – animations, mobile optimized websites, television commercials
  • De laatst ontwikkelde technologieën kun je bij ons komen ontdekken – WebGL, angularJS, EaselJS, canvas


Wij kijken ernaar uit om jou te trainen en je te helpen om de laatste technologieën onder de knie te krijgen!


Wat verwachten we van jou?

  • Gedegen kennis van html5 en css3
  • Een natuurlijk talent in motion & interactivity


Als je toevallig al in het oog springende animaties met css of andere tools zoals WebGL, of Greensocks hebt gemaakt dan win je onze harten – Dit is absoluut geen must ;)


Junior Frontend Developer Vacature, Front-end Developer Job, html5, css3, jQuery, digital, canvas, boilerplate, WebGL, EaselJS, animation, motion, Greensock, interactive platform, responsive web design, API, Facebook app, twitter bootstrap, web development


Alleen wij beschikken over deze vacature 

thefrontendlab - Je Frontend Development loopbaan – Dat is waar we om geven!

  • Luke is the best recruitment person I have encountered. When I went to him, he immediately set himself apart from other recruiters by understanding the technical terms I mentioned and suggesting a job which actually matched my skills. He listened to what I wanted instead of trying to push me into a position; he also did not obfuscate information about the company. Still, he worked quickly, and I had my interview and a job offer in less than a week. After I had been with my new job for a few months, Luke checked in to see how the position was working out. He is certainly the first person I'd turn to for technical recruiting in the Netherlands.

    A B -

  • Luke is professional and dedicated to his work. He acts very quickly and has deep insight into Dutch IT labor market. I enjoyed cooperating with him a lot.

    P P -

  • Luke has a good handle on the Dutch IT market for expats coming and looking for results quickly.

    S M - Developer

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