Junior frontend Developer job Amsterdam - ***Best training in the Netherlands*** (2000-2500€)
junior frontend developer, Developer Job, junior frontend developer Vacature, junior frontend developer
Did you already sniff the air of frontend development and can’t wait to dive deeper?
Apply to james@thefrontendlab.com
This is heaven for all Juniors who want to become creative developers. We provide you with the best training ground you can find in the Netherlands. Join a small team of developers, designers and project managers on mind-blowing projects for A-level brands.
Huge variety of projects – web apps, mobile games, animation, websites
The latest tools are our favorites – WebGL, 3d.js, angularJS
Inspiring, young and open-minded working environment
We offer you a training ground where you learn to write clean code and where you have the freedom to experiment with all the sexy new tools.
We are willed to invest in your development as long as you bring enthusiasm, passion for frontend and eagerness to learn.
We are curious to get to know you!
Sounds good? Apply Now by sending me an email with your CV and experience – James@thefrontendlab.com