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Junior Frontend Developer


Junior Frontend Developer vacature, Junior Developer baan, Junior Developer, Junior Front-end Developer, Junior Front end Developer, Training, Junior Front-end Developer job

Junior Frontend Developer - Are you looking for the best training in the business?

This vacancy is simple. If you are a Junior Frontend Developer and want to have the best training in the business, you should apply via

This company want people like a sponge. Willingness to learn. The directors and managers love people who have a passion and desire to learn. You will be provided with the best possible training and development out there. The mentality is they want people they can train & develop. So enthusiasm, energy is critical to show. Especially at this level when you are a junior looking to get your first job or first real development opportunity.

Our client is the most awarded agency in the Netherlands. You should also take note that the majority of their FWA awards have been awarded in the last year or so. So this is an agency really pushing forward, really in the news and delivering high quality work.

I know it is a cliché but this is 100% not a 9 to 5 job. They want people who want to build super awesome stuff. If that’s what you want this is the place to be for sure! Because of the deadlines there will be long hours involved and they want people, who after a touch day at work, go home and build something for themselves!!! ;). The directors are being interviewed by hundreds of people. One of them even did a presentation at the SxSW Festival!!


There is an awesome relationship between creative and technology. This is one of the biggest selling points as there is huge respect between the creative team and tech team. Everything is discussed openly throughout projects to deliver the most outstanding experiences for clients as possible.

The amount of awards (and maybe more importantly how recently they are happening) shows the quality of work you will be delivering. It will also allow you to be proud the work you deliver will be seen by millions and recognized by the global awarding associations

There is no better company to develop. Here you will have the best training. Apply now via


thefrontendlab is een Frontend Developer gerichte carrièreservice in Amsterdam. 100% toegewijd aan het beter maken van het werkleven van Frontend Developers

> Gestart in juli 2013. Volledig gericht op de Frontend Development markt.

> 8 Jaar Frontend Development Recruitment Ervaring. Meer dan 500 Frontend Developers geplaatst.

> In 2 jaar hebben we Frontend Ontwikkelaars geplaatst bij meer dan 50 bedrijven hier in Amsterdam. We hebben bijna 200 Javascript Developer plaatsingen gemaakt sinds 2013.

> Iedere 6 maanden gaan we naar meer dan 100 meetings met klanten. We richten ons per maand op 20 meetings. Dit ten behoeve van de Frontend Developers. Zodoende leren we de bedrijven inside out kennen.

> Bij thefrontendlab kunnen we 20 jaar recruitment ervaring combineren met in totaal 8 jaar specifieke Frontend Development ervaring. Meer dan 500 Frontend Developers zijn door consultants van thefrontendlab geplaatst.

> Op exclusieve basis werken voor meer dan 30 bedrijven in Amsterdam betekent voor jou minder concurrentie voor de beste banen. Onze ervaring leert ons dat de meest aantrekkelijke bedrijven die Frontend Developers aannemen niche recruiters zoals thefrontendlab gebruiken om hun vacatures gevuld te krijgen.

> Exclusieve mogelijkheden met de beste klanten. Wij meeten en spreken voortdurend met bedrijven in alle sectoren om zodoende in te spelen op de behoeften van de Frontend Developers.

> Twee keer per maand kennis delen op onze Frontend gerichte Meetups. Zodoende pogen wij de Frontend Developers te helpen bij het leren van nieuwe technieken en tools van hun collega’s.

Grotere uitdagingen / Enorme Training budgetten / Spannende, levendige en plezierige werkomgeving / salarissen hoger dan waar je momenteel op zit / erkenning voor je werk / Werk ontwikkelen dat wordt gebruikt door miljoenen mensen / Werken met echt slimme mensen

Solliciteer nu via als je er klaar voor bent om je leven dusdanig te veranderen..


  • Luke has been great in providing me with many great opportunities. The positions are always relevant and worth a look.

    C Y - Senior Software Engineer

  • Luke is a very efficient and dedicated person who first spends quality time to understand the associate, his personal and professional requirements and capabilities and matches to the requirements of employers. The level of his understanding is deep enough for him to be able to find a perfect match for both the employer and the employee. I am confident that his approach and way of working would take him places. Wishing him all the success.

    A K -

  • Luke helped me to find a job as software engineer in the Netherlands. He is honest, responsive and efficient. Thanks to his dedication and commitment I got excellent results.

    F M -

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