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Junior Front End Developer Vacature Hilversum – Boieiende Baan voor leergierige Junior Front End Developers (2000-2500)!


HTML5 Developer Vacature, Front-end Developer Job, html5, css3, jQuery, digital, canvas, boilerplate, WebGL, EaselJS, animation, motion, Greensock, interactive platform, responsive web design, API, Facebook app, twitter bootstrap, web development


Alles wat wij vragen is passie, enthousiasme en de ambitie om te leren.

Wij - een creatieve agentuur – geven jou de ruimte en ondersteuning om je persoonlijke, unieke set van vaardigheden te ontwikkelen.

In tegenstelling tot andere agenturen, concentreren wij ons niet alleen maar op campagnes. Onze projecten zijn erg divers en wij zijn altijd op zoek naar nieuwe technologieën. Dit is jouw kans om verschillende front-end technologieën te leren kennen en te kijken welk pad het beste is voor jou.


Dingen, die wij ontwikkeld hebben:

  • Audio applicaties
  • Sociale media apps
  • Games
  • Hybrid mobiele apps
  • Visuele installaties


Tools die wij bij onze meest recente projecten gebruikt hebben:

WebGL, CreateJS, d3.js, canvas, jQuery UI, emberJS, backbone


Jij bent net afgestudeerd en nu op zoek naar de juiste plek om je front-end loopbaan te beginnen?

Je brengt ervaring met html5, responsive web design, rich media and motion mee?

Neem dan graag contact op!


HTML5 Developer Vacature, Front-end Developer Job, html5, css3, jQuery, digital, canvas, boilerplate, WebGL, EaselJS, animation, motion, Greensock, interactive platform, responsive web design, API, Facebook app, twitter bootstrap, web development


Alleen wij beschikken over deze vacature 

thefrontendlab - Je Frontend Development loopbaan – Dat is waar we om geven!

  • Luke is the best recruitment person I have encountered. When I went to him, he immediately set himself apart from other recruiters by understanding the technical terms I mentioned and suggesting a job which actually matched my skills. He listened to what I wanted instead of trying to push me into a position; he also did not obfuscate information about the company. Still, he worked quickly, and I had my interview and a job offer in less than a week. After I had been with my new job for a few months, Luke checked in to see how the position was working out. He is certainly the first person I'd turn to for technical recruiting in the Netherlands.

    A B -

  • Thanks to Luke, I have found a job perfectly suitable to my skills. I have experienced Luke as a trustworthy recruiter with a high consistency. He has a good understanding of the assets required to make a good match with a future employer. I would recommend him for any IT professional looking for new employment.

    R J -

  • He takes his responsibility very serious and makes the best out of it. He looks to a situation from a perspective to get something good out of it. In the hole time he was providing me his service I always felt like I have been taken with a good care. He recognizes my skills and puts a well deserved title for it and seeks the right people looking for that skill. And he completes the task with great care.

    A P -

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