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Frontend Developer: show mij jouw Angular.JS skills!


 Angular.JS developers zijn op dit moment HOT in de markt en worden het vaakst gevraagd. Ook dit bedrijf zoekt een topper op dit gebied.

We kunnen het niet anders onder woorden brengen, maar iedere ontwikkelaar zou nu toch moeten weten dat Angular.JS het framework is waar het om draait;).

Voldoe jij aan de volgende persoonskenmerken; pro-actief (initiatiefrijk), humor, vindingrijk en passie?

Kun jij je hierin vinden en weet je daarnaast moeiteloos je Javascript-skills te tonen?

Graag zie ik je CV verschijnen op

  • The first time I contacted Luke I was living in Spain and willing to live in Amsterdam. After several chats, he got an interview for me, I arrived in the Netherlands just with that interview and just after arriving he got another two. This is just an example of what Luke's attitude can make anywhere he is. His proactive and optimistic attitude is transmitted to the rest of the people working with him, focusing on his goals and involving everyone on them. I would completely recommend this guy

    D L -

  • I recommend Luke for his great work. Professional, available, and friendly guy. I wish him the best.

    L M -

  • Luke shows good insight in assessing your skills and goals, and finding the best suited career opportunity for you. He shows great determination and reliability in assuring your success as a prospective job candidate. I appreciated his professional, yet casual approach to our relationship. If you are looking for a new job, Luke is the guy to go to.

    T N -

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