Frontend Developer, Page 3

  • I had the pleasure of working with Luke recently and he proved to be very efficient and someone you can depend on. He is an asset to any organization and I am happy to give him my wholehearted endorsement.

    B S - Senior developer

  • As a Recruiter Luke keeps a very honest and consistent communication with it's candidates. Very reliable, he cares the match the most fitting opportunity to the candidate skills and also to help envision their careers.

    N P -

  • Luke is a very efficient and dedicated person who first spends quality time to understand the associate, his personal and professional requirements and capabilities and matches to the requirements of employers. The level of his understanding is deep enough for him to be able to find a perfect match for both the employer and the employee. I am confident that his approach and way of working would take him places. Wishing him all the success.

    A K -

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