Frontend Developer – Lead Position – Own budget for conferences (4000-5000€)
You are currently a frontend developer, experienced in the field of engineering, but you can picture yourself in the role of a lead frontend developer in some years?
This is your chance!
Either you have experience as a lead frontend developer or want to grow into the role, this position offers you the chance to develop and grow your frontend career.
The company is looking to grow the frontend team by 10+ developers.
Whilst you are the only frontend developer in the team for now, your position is heavily hands on. Apart from that you are going to recruit for the frontend team and help train the new frontend developers.
It’s a really exciting time where you can help set up a new team whilst you are strongly involved in decision making.
Your workplace
- Awesome new office in Amsterdam
- Work on an online platform that is globally recognized
- Determine the direction of the frontend department and set guidelines
Other benefits:
- Salary + Bonus - get shares from the company
- Choose your hardware & software
- Manage your own budget for conferences, workshops, books etc.
- Flexible working hours & home office
What we want to see
- Experience and understanding of W3C to set guidelines
- Solid frontend engineering skills and eye an eye for the user interface
- Some modern Javascript libraries in your toolbox
- Familiar with testing
If that sounds interesting, get in touch!
Frontend Developer Job, Javascript, ember.js, backbone.js, node.js, angular.js, html5, css3, Selenium, tdd, git, svn, March 2015

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