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Android Developer job: Senior Android Developer


This is a company, set up, lead by and completely put together out of Developers.

Here you can work with actual app-loving, technology driven gadget freaks like you.

You will talk to them on a daily basis over Skype…


Yes Skype!

…since you can completely plan your projects the way you like and work from the comfort of your own home.


All of your fellow-developers love a good challenge and so should you.

You will be working on high traffic mobile/web/xbox platforms with challenging technologies and every framework out there.


Do you value Software Engineering over Coding?

Then contact me at

  • Working with Luke, while I was looking for another position in Amsterdam area, was a pleasure. His company is the best recruitment company I ever worked with. He provided a fast and perfect service. He really took care of all the details and was calling me all the time to make sure I was alright and I had all the information I might need for the interviews. Luke really helped me to find my dream job!

    M P -

  • Luke helped me finding a great Job by one of the best web-development companies in Amsterdam. He is a hard working highly skilled recruiter and he is always willing to do what ever it takes to find a job where you can develop your self. Great person, great personality!

    S L -

  • Luke and I had frequent contact by phone, e-mail and in person. His active effort and enthusiasm landed me my current job, for which I am very grateful. I very much admire his social skills, organisation skills and knowledge of the IT job market. Eventually his ability to negotiate ensured for me a high level of job satisfaction in my current position.

    I I -

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