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Web Developer vacature - Wil je deze missen


Web Developer vacature - Wil je deze missen?

  • Ervaring met grafische rendering met behulp van de HTML5 Canvas API.
  • Ervaring met het gebruik van object-georiënteerd programmeren principes die gelden voor JavaScript.
  • Begrip van JavaScript design patterns, zoals de Model-View-Controller en Observer patronen.
  • In staat zijn om JavaScript unit tests te produceren.
  • Ervaring met het bouwen van websites met behulp van de Responsive Design techniek.
  • Ervaring in het werken met Continuous Integration servers.

Need I say more? is jouw manier naar een glorieuze toekomst ;). 

  • When you want to reach Luke, he's there. He pays attention as if you are the only person he works with. He understands your needs and tries his best to find the best matching position for you. He's not only a recruiter but a good career coach and if I look for a job in the future, I will call him and you should do the same!

    G M -

  • Luke has proven that he is the go-to guy when it comes to IT recruitment in the Netherlands. He manages to make the process of finding a new employer painless and has never disappointed.

    P H -

  • Luke is a really nice guy who goes out of his way for the benefit of his clients. He has done really good work for me in the past in very trying times.

    N C -

We’ve placed frontend developers with.

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